Malka (known as Pauline) Braun was born in Kichinev, the capital of present-day Moldova. She left her native country with her family in the early 1900s, fleeing rising anti-Semitism and settled in France. A few years later, she married Félix Braun with whom she had four children: Anne, Raymond, Sam and Monique. They then all moved to Clermond-Ferrand. Pauline, her husband and her two youngest children (Sam and Monique) were arrested at their home on November 12, 1943 by the Gestapo. They spent a fortnight in Clermont before being transferred by train to Drancy. The four members of the Braun family were deported by convoy 64 on December 7, 1943. When the train arrived, Pauline was put into a truck which was supposed to allow her to rest. She didn't know that this truck was taking her directly to the gas chambers and to her death...
Thanks to Malka Braun for the photo and the testimony