Charlotte Abraham was born on July 3, 1938 in Antwerp, Belgium, to her parents Armin and Fanni Abraham. She will have a little sister a few years later who will be called Yvonne.
She was 5 when she was arrested with her family at the Italian border. They tried to flee to Italy for safety but are ambushed by the SS. They were initially interned at the Borgo San Dalmazzo camp and then transferred to Drancy on November 23, 1943. The registration number 8489 was then assigned to Charlotte.
On December 7, 1943, Charlotte and her family were on the departure list for the East. At 12:10, they leave Bobigny station and will arrive three days later in Auschwitz. Given her age, Charlotte is most likely taken straight to the gas chambers with her mother and sister. Only his father will survive.
Thanks to Davina Komlosi for sharing the photo.